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Gabinete del Ministerio de Economía Argentina
Tópico - La Discusión de las Condiciones Monetarias y Fiscales de la Economía Argentina en Diciembre de 2001
El Gabinete del Ministerio de Economía de Argentina simulará el infausto mes de diciembre de 2001, marcado por una ola de saqueos y explosiones sociales que se originaron a partir de los intentos para balancear la economía nacional. Es necesario tener en mente la historia económica argentina y el escenario internacional desde el comienzo de los años noventa, cuando se estableció la Ley de Convertibilidad de 1991. Además, es fundamental tener conocimiento acerca de la situación política en Argentina y de las dificultades afrontadas por los presidentes en las tentativas de estabilización del país, en virtud de la rigidez monetaria, del desgaste continuo de la situación fiscal, y de la susceptibilidad a los choques externos. Así, los delegados, miembros del Gabinete del Ministerio de Economía de Argentina, tendrán que simular este difícil escenario, tratando de proponer medidas importantes para la complicada crisis del país en diciembre de 2001.
International Labour Organization
Topic A - Technology and Structural Unemployment
Topic B - Regional Efforts for Promoting Decent Work for all
The global debate surrounding jobs and employment has never been as intense as nowadays. Aside from the problems of unemployment, a result of the 2008 crisis, the world also faces two paramount issues on that subject. The first one is related to the structural unemployment problem, due to the accelerated process of technological innovation, which keeps automatizing work in the industrial and service sectors. The second one refers to the need of further regional efforts to provide Decent Work for all, especially in under-developed and developing countries, where forced labor and child work, for instance, are current facts. In this sense, the discussions inside the International Labour Organization are essential to the international community. After all, the right to a decent work is a fundamental part of human dignity and a key to social and economic improvements.
Peace and Security Council of the African Union
Topic - The Situation in Darfur
The main objectives of the African Union (AU) are the promotion of peace, solidarity and cooperation, not only within African countries, but also among them. This is achieved by the defense of human rights, democratic principles, independence and sovereignty. Bearing this in mind, AU aims to discuss, in its Peace and Security Council (PSC), the events in the Sudanese province of Darfur, which took great proportions in 2003, when the confrontation between Darfuri rebels and the governmental troops of president Omar al-Bashir reached critical levels. This discussion is one of extreme importance for the stability of the region, considering that 400,000 people lost their lives and over 2,500,000 were displaced due to this conflict, according to estimates of the United Human Rights Council.
Shangri-La Dialogue – The International Institute for Strategic Studies Asia Security Summit
Topic A - Aero-maritime Sovereignty in the Asia-Pacific
Topic B - The Question of the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands
Initiated in 2002, the Shangri-La Dialogues are annual forums organized by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) to discuss, together with the defense ministers from the Asia-Pacific, the security in the Asian continent (IISS, 2013). This year’s summit has an unprecedented mission: to discuss the rising of the tension on the question of the disputed islands between China and Japan and, alongside that, to address the very core of aero-maritime sovereignty. This contentious issue has caused many uprisings in Asia in the past and is bound to create more trouble in the future if not addressed properly now. Hence, we invite ministers to create a framework for the future and to solve the historical tension between China and Japan. This meeting is crucial to stop the escalation of the conflict and to prevent great powers from further harsh measures.
Supremo Tribunal Federal
Tópico - Caso da constitucionalidade das terras quilombolas
O debate sobre a constitucionalidade da proteção às terras quilombolas gera grande repercussão no âmbito do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF). Em 2004, o Partido da Frente Liberal (PFL), atual Partido Democratas (DEM), propôs uma Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade (ADI) em face do presidente da República, questionando a constitucionalidade do Decreto 4887/03, que regulamenta o procedimento para identificação, reconhecimento, delimitação, demarcação e titulação das terras ocupadas por remanescentes das comunidades dos quilombos. O direito constitucional e os direitos humanos são fundamentais para a resolução do caso. O objetivo é que os delegados, representantes dos 11 ministros do STF, elaborem votos que contenham a decisão pela procedência ou não da ADI, bem como sua justificativa. Ao final, os 11 votos integrarão o acórdão, documento final onde constará a decisão sobre o caso
United States Special Operations Command
Topic - The question of Syria
Current date: April 2nd of 2013. United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) is a military committee that was created to safeguard the United States’ interests, developing special operation strategies to act in unconventional and irregular engagement. Due to the effervescent manifestations and the current civil war in Syria against Assad’s regime, and upon request by President Obama's administration, this Command shall discuss Syria’s situation and formulate two Plans of Action (a Psychological Operation and a Covert Operation), considering the interest of the US and its allies, should a military action take place in the country.