Invitation Letter
Dear delegates,
It is with great pleasure and honor that we invite you to the second edition of FACAMP Model United Nations (FAMUN), to be held in Campinas, São Paulo, from September 4th to 7th, 2014, at FACAMP.
As a Model United Nations, FAMUN aims to make the experience of participating in an international organization or crisis cabinet committee as real as possible. By doing so, our goal is to develop capabilities that are required in various fields. We hope to accomplish the task of progressively becoming an important MUN in Brazil and in our region, supporting and developing knowledge as well.
In this second edition, FAMUN 2014 will provide you with a profitable debate experience in relation to the theme “Globalization and Regionalism”. Since the end of the Cold War, a significant growth of regional arrangements has been taking place in the International System. Considering that regional organizations have earned a stronger voice in multilateral international affairs, this year we intend to engage the global regionalism discussions as the main focus of our committees.
In 2014, we reaffirm and will continue with the excellence level built up in our first edition. To do that, we count not only with the help of our staff, but also with yours. We appreciate the cooperation and participation of all Model United Nations from Brazil and abroad, and hope that you have a pleasant experience. We are more than available to encourage every student willing to participate at FAMUN, and provide all the help we can.
It is with enthusiasm that we invite you all to be part of this exciting and one of a kind experience. As representatives of nations and governments, you will discuss problems and solutions of your world. The unbelievable is about to start and new ideas are yet to come. Do not miss it!
Looking forward to seeing you all here!
Secretariat of FAMUN 2014
Carolina Pazinato – Administrative Secretary
Guilherme Henrique Lima de Mattos – Academic Secretary
Isabella Faria Sousa – Secretary General |