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Study Guide

Study Guides will be available as an introductory material to assist delegates during their preparation to FACAMP Model United Nations. All study guides will be produced by Committee Directors, under advisement of FACAMP International Relations Professors. These guides will be published in the format of an e-book by Editora FACAMP, inaugurating a sustainable and modern channel of academic publication.  

Download the Guide A in the link below:

Find bellow the Guide B corresponding to each committee. The Guide B presents the position of each country, the special rules of procedure and samples of final documents of each committee.

- CSW - Commission on the Status of Women: [download]

- CDS-UNASUR - Consejo de Defensa Suramericano de la UNASUR: [download]

- GabCrises - Gabinete de Crises da Presidência da República Federativa do Brasil: [download]

- G20 - The Group of 20 - Leaders' Summit: [download]

- UNHRC - United Nations Human Rights Council: [download]